Green Junction: Facing the Twin Challenges of Climate Change
Dealing with climate change involves both mitigation and adaptation. Mitigation of climate change – policies and functions that reverse or at least slow down the warming of the earth – have not been imposed quickly and effectively at any level. How many people have chosen to purchase energy that is produced by clean sources instead of fossil fuels or reduce their energy use? How many people truly understand climate change? How many municipalities have made plans to combat climate change? In my most recent experiences with college students, few really understand climate change, the causes and the implications. My local government recently dismissed the creation of a sustainability committee, in part, to contend with climate change.
Climate change adaptation has been taking place for years in many places. Some municipalities have implemented strategies intended to lessen the disastrous effects of climate change or have devised plans for cooling centers, protecting water resources, etc. With unprecedented, higher global temperatures, the power of nature is difficult to predict. Journalist Christopher Flavelle (NY Times) recently wrote “L.A. Fires Show Limits of America’s Efforts to Cope With Climate Change,” explaining that the state of California had anticipated some aspects of climate change disasters. Yet, provisions such as stricter building codes and increased resources for firefighting did not impede the horrific fires that have destroyed areas of southern California beyond anyone’s imagination.
One climate advisor suggests that greater thought and planning are needed for effectual adaptation to climate change. A new publication by OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) highlights four steps for effective climate adaptation policy making, all of which necessitate educated policy makers. These are based on their key message “Global average temperatures are approaching 1.5oC above pre-industrial levels, exacerbating the frequency and severity of extreme weather events. Governments need to act urgently to promote adaptation to climate change impacts.”
Quotes from over a decade ago underscore the human resistance to changes for the greater good. “Climate change increasingly poses one of the biggest long-term threats to investments.” (Christina Figueres, secretary UNFCCC) “We are the last generation that can take steps to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. Future generations will judge us harshly if we fail to uphold our moral and historical responsibilities.” (Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary General United Nations) Will humanity and its leaders take climate change seriously, work together and make appropriate sacrifices?
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